SCARY! Starting a Documentary Photography and Filmmaking Business of my own…

Have you ever had to make a decision that you just knew would completely change the course of your life… for better or for worse?

Have you ever been so filled with confidence and excitement, at the same time filled with self-doubt and fear?

Well, that’s where I am right now.

It’s like being on the wildest theme park ride where exhilaration and terror go hand in hand.

I’ve worked long enough in the documentary space to know I’ve got everything it takes to deliver visually stunning images and video content that trigger an emotional response in the viewers. I have full confidence in that ability. I know I have the qualities that enable me to quickly establish trust and rapport with the people I’m working with. And I know I have the drive to achieve at a standard far exceeding the expectations others may have of me, even if they’d be happy with less. And most importantly, I know I have the empathy to tell people’s stories in a a sensitive way that aligns with what they really want to say.

But I am consumed by self-doubt. Do I really have the business chops to pull this off? Can I reach a market when most people aren’t aware of just how much they would benefit from what I do? As a textbook introvert, can I network and build the connections that will help this endeavour succeed?

Well, if this is going to work, I need to believe the answer to all of those questions is YES. ABSOLUTELY!

While I may not feel like it at this time, I do believe, somewhere very deep down, that I’ve got everything I need to make it work. Or at least to identify and change the things that may limit me until they don’t.

So here I am, telling probably nobody but myself: I can do this!

And I may just revive this old WordPress account to document the journey. If there’s anybody reading this, and you want to follow me on the journey, I’d love to have you on board!

I’ve never been someone who is great with words – I’ve always been more comfortable communicating through other means: first it was music, then photography, and in recent years I’ve added filmmaking to the list. But I guess this is about being vulnerable, and relying on words to communicate the journey definitely makes me feel that way!

So here I go!

I’ve officially started the business. It has a name: Reportage. It has a website: Now I just need clients!

I haven’t started marketing yet, but that’s where I am. About to take the leap.




Here goes…